



2nd Annual TEAM TEBOW SERVICE DAY – July 22, 2017

June 26 3 Minute Read???? Team Tebow, Team Tebow

2nd Annual TEAM TEBOW SERVICE DAY – July 22, 2017

Hello June 26th, 2017

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The Tim Tebow Foundation is calling all Team Tebow members to join together for our 2nd Annual TEAM TEBOW SERVICE DAY on Saturday, July 22, 2017. With more than 22,000 Team Tebow members living in 22 different countries, we have the ability to make a huge difference in the world by sharing Faith, Hope and Love!

TEAM TEBOW SERVICE DAY is a day when our members unite to serve their local communities in causes that they are most passionate about. By joining together on an international campaign on July 22 to share your service experiences through your social media networks using #TeamTebow and #ServiceDay, we can raise a greater awareness for the need to serve others. Not only are we directly affecting the people in our own communities through service, but in sharing our stories we encourage others to consider what they can do to make an impact.

The Bible tells us in I Peter 4:10, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” As we serve others, not only do we display Christ to the world, our service also becomes an expression of gratitude for all that He has done for us. “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Jesus speaking in Matthew 25:40.)

If you would like to join us for TEAM TEBOW SERVICE DAY on July 22, let us know! Here are 3 SIMPLE STEPS:

  1. SIGN UP! Click HERE to pledge your commitment to make a difference and share your story on July 22.
  2. PLAN YOUR SERVICE! Nothing is too big or too small.
  3. TELL THE WORLD YOU SERVED! Share your pictures across social media with the hashtag #TeamTebow and #ServiceDay.
  4. BONUS: Receive an official TEAM TEBOW Service Bracelet by emailing your service photos, story and mailing address to

If you have any other questions, you can check out our FAQs HERE. If you are not a Team Tebow member yet but would like to join, you can join HERE.

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