



Made Beautiful by The Lord... A Night to Shine Story

June 5 3 Minute Read???? Night to Shine

Made Beautiful by The Lord... A Night to Shine Story

Hello June 5th, 2018

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We are thrilled to share this unique perspective from Phil Fusco, whose son, Phillip, was an honored guest this past year at Night to Shine...

"Phillip went to the Tim Tebow Foundation's 'Night to Shine' prom for the first time this past February. What a wonderful and uplifting event for all involved. These events recognize these wonderfully made individuals for who they are and what God intends for them to be and become.

I could go on and on about the different teary eyed experiences I had that night, but one stands out in my mind that I will never forget. Sitting in a wheel chair near the dance floor was a young girl wearing a beautiful blue gown. She caught my eye because I felt sort of sad in my heart that she could not simply get up and dance. I thought I would try to lift her spirits a bit, so I walked up to her and said 'Don't you look beautiful tonight.' She responded, through slurred speech, 'Thank you'. As I watched the people dance, she touched my arm and said 'Do you know why I am beautiful tonight? I responded, 'Tell me.' She said 'It is because my Lord and Savior made me beautiful.' 'Yes He did' I said. As I walked away, emotions overtook me and I thought 'Why did I feel like I needed to lift her spirits?' Was it because, deep down inside, I felt sorry for her? I was trying to make her feel better about her circumstances? That night that young girl taught me a lot about life including the fact that did not have a clue about who she is or what she feels.

After 25 years of experience with Phillip (and the special needs community), I personally believe that God has placed these precious individuals here on earth to teach the world how to deal with pain and suffering, difficult circumstances and many other life lessons. What I have realized is that I should not feel sadness for these individuals; I should learn from them.”

To learn more about Night to Shine and to refer your church to host in 2019, visit

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